How do I make a beef tenderloin sandwich?
1. Take some beef tenderloin.

2. Fry one side on the stove until cooked.

3. Turn the meat over and fry the other side.

4. Put the cooked meat in between two pieces of toast.

5. If needed, give the dish to your assistant—they will add ingredients.

6. Add some maple syrup if the customer included it in their order.

7. Give the finished dish to the customer.

How do I make a chicken fillet sandwich?
1. Take some chicken fillet.

2. Fry one side on the stove until cooked.

3. Turn the meat over and fry the other side.

4. Put the cooked meat in a roll.

5. If needed, give the dish to your assistant—they will add ingredients.

6. Add some maple syrup if the customer included it in their order.

7. Give the finished dish to the customer.

How do I make ice cream with syrup?
1. Tap on the ice cream maker.

2. Take the ready ice cream scoop.

3. Add some maple syrup, if necessary.

4. Give the finished dish to the customer.