The promo code for YouTube Premium allows you to activate a trial period on YouTube for free.

You can get a YouTube Premium promo code as a reward in Path to Glory.

Please note, the number of YouTube Premium promo codes is limited! You can see how many are left in the Path to Glory event window.


How do I get a YouTube Premium promo code?

To get a promo code:
1. Play the current Path to Glory event
2. Earn enough Glory Coins to get the required reward.

How do I activate a YouTube Premium promo code?

To activate the promo code:
1. Claim the Path to Glory reward by tapping on it
2. Tap on the YouTube Premium button to copy the promo code
3. Ensure that the promo code is copied to the clipboard
4. Go to

5. Activate the promo code on your YouTube account.

If you encounter any problems activating your YouTube Premium promo code, please contact Google Support or the YouTube Help Center.
Please note that the YouTube Premium promo code has an expiry date. MYTONA cannot be responsible if the validity of the promo code you receive has expired.