How do I make a cake?
1. Take some meringue of the desired flavor.
2. Take a tray with the meringue to the fitting room.
3. Take the finished cake.
4. Give the finished dish to the customer.
How do I make a decorated cake?
1. Take some meringue of the desired flavor.
2. Choose one or more decorations, and your assistant will start preparing them.
3. Add the decorations the customer wants to the meringue on the tray.
4. Take the tray with the meringue and decorations on it to the fitting room.
5. Take the finished cake.
6. Give the finished dish to the customer.
How do I make a soufflé?
1. Take some meringue of the desired flavor.
2. Put the meringue in the stand mixer.
3. Take the finished soufflé.
4. Give the finished dish to the customer.