How do I make a blueberry or lemon house?

1. Take a house baseplate.

2. Put the baseplate in the corresponding compartment of the 3D food printer.

3. Take the printed house from the 3D food printer.

4. If needed, give the dish to your assistant—they will add ingredients.

5. Give the finished dish to the customer.

How do I make car cakes?

1. Tap the mini oven.

2. Take the baked car cakes.

3. Give the cake indicated in the order to the customer.

How do I put a milkshake in a package?

1. Tap the dispenser.

2. Take the prepared milkshake.

3. Tap the packaging display case.

4. Give the finished dish to the customer.

How do I put a car cake in a package?

1. Tap the mini oven.

2. Take the baked car cake.

3. Tap the packaging display case.

4. Give the finished dish to the customer.