How do I make potato wedges?
1. Take some potatoes.

2. Give them to your assistant so they can cut them.

3. Put the cut potatoes in the deep fryer.

4. Add some sauce if needed.

5. Give the finished dish to the customer.

How do I make french fries?
1. Take some potatoes.

2. Give them to your assistant so they can chop them.

3. Put the chopped potatoes in the deep fryer.

4. Add some sauce if needed.

5. Give the finished dish to the customer.

How do I make potato chips?
1. Take some potatoes.

2. Give them to your assistant so they can slice them.

3. Put the sliced potatoes in the deep fryer.

4. Add some sauce if needed.

5. Give the finished dish to the customer.

How do I make ice cream?
1. Tap the ice cream maker.

2. When the ice cream appears on the tray, take it.

3. Give the finished dish to the customer.