🎁 Friends & Gifts
How can I invite my friends?
In the Invite tab you can invite a friend to the game by sending them a personal invitation code. Friends can also send you their invitation...
How do I visit friends?
You can visit your friends to leave them help in locations or puzzles or give them gifts.To do this, press the Friends icon in the bottom ri...
How can I remove a friend from my friends list?
To remove someone from your friends list, first go to the "Friends" tab and find the friend you would like to remove. You will see...
How can I help my friends?
Press a location on your friend's map to leave help. This costs one action point. Your help will give your friend a bonus for exploration. T...
I visited a friend and don't know how to go back.
To go back to your map, tap the "Home" icon in the bottom left corner.
How can I hire a friend?
Before you begin exploring a location, you can hire a friend as a helper. Press the Hire button to do this. You can only hire 1 friend at a ...
Top 100
This is an overall ranking of the best players. To see the TOP 100 list, tap the "Friends" icon in the bottom right corner and then select t...
How can I see a ranking that only includes my friends?
To see how you rank among your friends, just check the "Friends only" box.
Why are my friends still on the Waiting List?
There are two types of players on the Waiting List:- Players who sent you a friend request (they have an Accept button; once you accept it, ...
Which talent do I have?
To see information about your profile and talent, you need to press your avatar in the top left corner of the screen and then press the meda...
What is reputation for and how can I increase its level?
When you visit your friend and charge their locations or puzzles, your friend gets a useful effect depending on your talent.You can get coin...
How do I leave hints, and how do I find hints that your friends have left for you?
When friends visit your map and charge your locations, they leave you help.If you successfully explore charged locations, you get more exper...
Info about friends
Tap a friend's avatar to get more information about them. The pop-up window that appears will show you their talent, experience, reputation ...
At reputation levels 1-10, you can send up to 10 collection items. Please note that, once sent, collection items will be deducted from your ...
How do I send access passes to a friend?
You can send access passes as gifts from the "Send" tab.
Wish List
To add an item to your Wish List, go to "Collections" and tap the green plus sign in the corner of the item's icon. If there is no green plu...
Friend limit
You can have up to 300 friends in the game.You can find active friends on our social media: Facebook Page and Facebook group
Sorting friends
Friends are initially sorted by level and game activity. Friends who haven't logged in to the game for 90 days are moved to the bottom of th...
What does the "Zzz" mark on a friend's icon mean?
The "Zzz" mark appears on the icons of inactive players who haven't logged in to the game for over 90 days. You can find active friends...
What do the colors of my friends' plates mean?
Green name background: a friend whose map you are visiting now. Blue name background: a friend who has visited your map today.&n...
Why has my friend unlocked locations that are not available to me, even though my level is higher?
If your friend has unlocked a location before reaching its access level, this means they took part in that location's event.
When I enter my friend's code, I get an error message
When entering your friend's invitation code, make sure that the code has been entered correctly. Try typing the number 0 instead of letter O...
How long does my friend's help stay on the map?
A friend's help is for one-time use. Help is used up after you successfully explore a location or solve a puzzle, get rewards from a trophy,...
What effect does friends' help have on merchants?
Regardless of the talent of your friends who have left you help for merchants, your next order from a merchant will be fulfilled 25% faster.
How do I send premium location access passes to a friend?
You can send premium location access passes from the Send tab. They are located at the end of the list.
I don't have enough fixers to assemble a collection. Where do I get them?
You can add fixers you need to your wish list and get them from your friends as a gift.Please note that some fixers become available after r...
Why are my friends' avatars shown as silhouettes?
This could be the case if your friends are connected to Facebook and are using their Facebook profile picture, but you are not currently con...
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