A superanomaly is a special feature in the game that impedes the exploration of locations in the Anomalous Alliance event. Superanomalies appear in locations that have been captured by the event's monsters. You earn more gears when exploring a location with a superanomaly: the more powerful the monster is, the more gears you earn. Exploring locations with superanomalies requires the same amount of Mist energy. Every superanomaly can be dispelled using a special item. Superanomalies can't be summoned.
There are currently 4 different types of superanomalies:
Discoloration is sent by the Faceless Shadow monster. It fades the color in the location. This superanomaly can be dispelled using the Sun Lantern.
Choice of Three is sent by the Deft Suit monster. You only get a few seconds to find one of the three items before the list changes. This superanomaly can be dispelled using the Scissors of Dawn.
Storm Clouds are sent by the Thunderbird monster. Storm Clouds chaotically fly around the location, hampering the search for objects. This superanomaly can be dispelled using the Golden Fire.
Nightmare is sent by the Ghastlequin monster. This one used superanomalies interchangeably in the same location. The superanomaly can be dispelled using the Lantern of Dawn.
Each of the superanomalies can be combined with different search modes. This makes the search even more complex and poses a serious challenge to all seekers.
Last Updated: 100d